Choosing A Feminine Tattoo And Where To Put It

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Women who are thinking about getting a tattoo should give some thought to not only what type of tattoo they are getting, but also to where that tattoo will be. To get a feminine tattoo that holds up well throughout life requires some careful planning.

Because of changes that can occur in the female body with aging and childbirth, tattoo location can be very important. It is a good idea to choose a location where the skin is not subjected to a lot of stretching and sagging because no matter how good or feminine or attractive a tattoo might start out, if it is located on skin that will tend to get stretched, get stretch-marked, or sag over time, the tattoo may wind up looking bad. In such cases, what once was a beautiful piece of skin art may simply draw attention to physical features that a woman wish were a little less noticeable.

For this reason, I suggest that women choose locations where the skin is most likely to stay relatively firm over the course of one's lifetime. Such areas include the back of the neck, upper back, on the shoulder blade area, on the lower back, and on the ankle. Other areas that have this trait include the forearms and upper arms, although these spots seem to be more popular for masculine rather than for feminine tattoos.

Although popular locations for tattoos with many women, the belly-button area and the breasts are subject to considerable distortion with the changes that tend to occur with pregnancy and aging. Even the pubic area can be susceptible to loosening of the skin, or some sagging of the lower belly from above, and so these areas might be better to avoid.

When deciding what to get, the big thing to remember is, whatever you do, DON'T get a tattoo of your lover's name on your body! You may be head over heels in love now, but things can, and often do, change. Most of the time, a name tattoo is a huge mistake.

The possible choices for what tattoo to get are infinite, so it can be hard to choose. Take your time and figure out what you really want, because short of some really painful (and not 100% effective) methods, once you have it, you can't change your mind. I suggest checking as many resources as you can before making a decision, and you might want to look specifically at galleries dedicated to feminine tattoos, if that's what you want, because it will save you a lot of time.

When choosing from images like patterns, floral designs, etc., it is matter of taking the time to sort through the possibilities and choose what you like. I suggest doing more resarch if you are thinking about an Asian language character or other symbol that might have some meaning that you'd rather not have permanently imprinted on your body. Check at least a couple of resources and don't just take the tattoo artist's word for what a given symbol means. That beautiful, feminine tattoo might look good, but do you really want the Japanese symbol for "manure" printed on you?

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